20 Apr Nord Trail Mont de Flandres / 2025 59 - Saint Jans Cappel - France 54 km away 115km80km59km42km... details
16 May Trail des Pyramides Noires / 2025 62 - Oignies - France 28 km away 160km124km84km62km... details
23 Aug Foulées Fressinoises Cardon Frères / 2025 62 - Fressin - France 51 km away 10km7km3km1km registration details
24 Aug A Travers Lespesses - la Lespes'Soif / 2025 62 - Lespesses - France 38 km away 15km10km details
5 Apr Cueillette Comestible et Apéro Sauvage - Marche Go... / 2025 62 - Richebourg - France 33 km away details
3 May Cueillette Comestible et Apéro Sauvage - Marche Go... / 2025 62 - Richebourg - France 33 km away details
24 May Odysséa Villeneuve d'Ascq / 2025 59 - Villeneuve d'Ascq - France 48 km away 10km5km1km details
5 Apr Trail des Collines Normandes / 2025 14 - Condé en Normandie - France 285 km away 50km35km25km13km details
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